Ranking the Characters of “It’s A Wonderful Life” (Part 2)

For part one of “Ranking the Characters of It’s A Wonderful Life click here.

8. Pa Bailey

Pa Bailey calming telling Young George to get the hell out of his office. (aveleyman.com)


Unfortunately for George, Pa Bailey had to go and have a massive stroke and not only ruin George’s plans for his epic trip, but also ruined his game with Mary, just as he was about to get some action. And unfortunately for us, we only got to know Pa briefly.

But what we do know of the Bailey patriarch is that he was a stand up guy that used his business of the Building and Loan to help his neighbors and the Bedford Falls community.

Pa Bailey is a man’s man that doesn’t command respect, but gets it anyways. The way his sons, George and Harry stand up for him, respect him, and honor his memory makes Pa the most underrated character in the movie.

George’s epic monologue in which he tears into Mr. Potter and stands up for his deceased father, is one of my favorite monologues in cinematic history. Absolutely brilliant.

Bottom line: While it would be difficult for Pa Bailey and I to maintain a friendship due to our lack of common interests, I would be more than happy to use his business for all my loaning needs. And I would be sure to make prompt payments to the best of my ability.


7. ZuZu

ZuZu, the rebel with the open coat.


First off, ZuZu is a bad ass. ZuZu was so nervous that she was going to crush her flower that she won at school that she decided to not button up her jacket on her way home. Plus, there is the whole issue of the timing it would have taken her to button up her coat. Ain’t nobody got time for buttoning up coats when they are itching to get home and stare at their flower. So I get it, ZuZu.

Now, I get that ZuZu is only like six, but is she really that naive to think that George was going to be able to paste the pedals back on the flower? Come on, ZuZu, you’re better than that.

You got to hand it to ZuZu though. She went from feeling like a million bucks and winning prizes at school, to being so sick that a Dr. had to come pay her a visit, and back to feeling like a million bucks again, all in the matter of a few hours. Plus, even so late at night when she should have been in bed, she had the wherewithal to take her school learnings and make real life connections when she heard the bell ring and proclaimed that her teaching said that “every time a bell rings and angel gets its wings.”

Luckily for ZuZu, she does not have much in the way of competition as far as being the favorite child is concerned. Little Tommy and Pete couldn’t be any more annoying, and Janie is a crybaby that won’t stop butchering “Hark! The Heralds Angels Sing” on the piano.

Bottom line: I despise coats and only wear them when it is extremely necessary. So, ZuZu and I could really have hit it off. However, due to my supernatural ability to kill a basil plant in just days, ZuZu would want nothing to do with my friendship. There is no way in hell I would follow her on Instagram because I would imagine it would be littered with boring flower shots. But, ZuZu’s Twitter would be hopping because she would be shooting off facts left and right about what she learned in school. We could all learn a lot from ZuZu’s twitter account.

6. Adult George Bailey

George Bailey in full on meltdown mode. (salon.com)


First off, if I had a nickel for every time I said the following sentence by George Bailey, I would have enough money to take care of George Bailey’s $8000 mistake myself…..

While I whole-heartedly love the guy, a friendship with adult George Bailey would be exhausting. You would have to deal with his anger issues, depression, mood swings, self loathing and nonstop complaints about his children and how much he hates Bedford Falls.

With that being said, I think it is pretty safe to say that a friendship with George post-suicide attempt would be amazing. He is a changed man that has learned a valuable lesson, and will have an entirely new outlook at life. As long as he doesn’t hold over his family and friend’s heads how awful (or dead) they would be if it wasn’t for him, he is going to come out of this a much better man, and a hell of a lot more fun to be around.

Bottom line: I would want to have drinks at Martini’s with George when he is in a good mood. I would steer clear of him when he is having a bad day. And I would avoid any and all social media accounts of George’s. Can you imagine his complaining and rants that he would go on? No thanks, buddy. But I still love you.

5. Mr. Potter

Mr Potter is NOT happy. (thinglink.com)


Mr. Potter is pretty much the worst person imaginable. He has absolutely no empathy for others, he uses his power and fortune to further himself at the expense of his community, and he is an all around miserable prick with zero redeeming qualities.

Mr. Potter flashing his best attempt at a smile. (aveleyman.com)

But…….. HOLY HELL, did you see what Pottersville would have looked like if George was never born? It looked AMAZING! Bar after bar, pool rooms, clubs, dancing, live music, and burlesque clubs. Mr. Potter sure knows how to liven a town up.


Bottom line: It’s been established that Mr. Potter is a complete jerk, and like George says, is a “warped, frustrated old man.” But his hatred for the human race is actual quite comical, and it would be entertaining as hell to work with him. Unlike George, I would not be above working for Mr. Potter. Especially if it meant that I would get a hefty salary, and free business trips to Europe every once in a while.

4. Mary

Mary and Mary, being quite contrary. (photo credit: popgoesthelibrarian.wordpress.com)


Mary is grade A marriage material. She is a supportive wife, a loving mother, and was actually quite fun back in the day. Mary and George fell into the pool at the school dance but, like most other girls would, she didn’t have a meltdown and cry about her hair and makeup being ruined, she went with the flow and kept on dancing.

When George was in a bind because of the rush at the bank, she didn’t whine and complain about missing her honeymoon, she whipped out the cash and helped her husband appease his customers.

When George was out and about getting drunk at Martini’s and contemplating suicide, it was Mary that called all the townspeople and saved the day.

So…. why isn’t Mary ranked higher than #4? Well, did you see “If George was never born, Mary?”

Good Lord, she was awful. I understand that it would be very creepy for a stranger to come up to you and call you their wife, but the screaming and fainting was all a bit too much if you ask me. Knowing that Mary is only as awesome as she is because of George is a bit of a disappointment.

With that being said, even though he may be a pain in the ass at times, Mary needs to thank her lucky stars Ma and Pa Bailey had little George Bailey.

Bottom Line: If Mary was single, I would snatch her up quicker than you can say “Buffalo gals won’t you come out tonight, won’t you come out tonight, won’t you come out tonight. Buffalo gals won’t you come out tonight annnnnnnnnnnndddddddddd dance by the light of the mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.”

3. Bert and Ernie

Bert and Ernie chillin’ in Bedford Falls. (commons.wikimedia.org)


I don’t know about you, but if you could have two friends in Bedford Falls, having the only taxi driver, and one of the only cops as your BFFs is the way to go.

Not only are Bert and Ernie funny guys, but they will do anything for their buddy George. The fact that they helped Mary turn 320 Sycamore into their honeymoon suite was about the nicest thing two buddies could do for a guy that got caught in a bank run on his way to his honeymoon.

Bottom Line: I would be best friends with Ernie because he is the funniest and would be able to drive me back and forth to Martini’s every day. But Bert and I would hit it off just fine as well. I would be Facebook friends with both, and would follow Ernie on Twitter, as I am sure he would have some fantastic zingers.

2. Clarence

Clarence talking to the big man upstairs. (quotesgram.com)


I agree with George that Clarence “looks like about the kind of guardian angel I would get.” Despite the fact that my reputation may take a hit with being seen walking around town with Clarence, he would be an amazing friend to have.

Anyone that has the ability to do what Clarence did is someone that you want on your side. Plus, he was just about ready to start throwing back some hot mulled wine at Martini’s when he and George got kicked out. This leads me to believe that I could get Clarence to loosen up a little and hang with the big boys on a night out on the town. How awesome would it be to get drunk with your guardian angel? My guardian angel has been watching me do it for almost two decades. It would be so special to be able to return the favor.

The only downside to Clarence? I would feel awfully judged while hanging out with him. We would be out at a bar watching the Redskins game, and I would make some sort of throwaway comment like… ” if the Redskins lose this game in the final seconds after winning the entire game, I am going to kill myself.” Clarence would get all pissed and start telling me all deep shit like, “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives, and when he isn’t around, it leaves an awful hole, doesn’t it?” And I would be like, “Clarence, I just want The Redskins to win the Superbowl like really bad. Chill out. Ok buddy?”

Bottom line: Clarence and I would be best buddies, but we would bicker like an old married couple.

1. Young George Bailey

I wish I was best friends with Young George Bailey. Hot Dog!


Little George Bailey is so cool that he had to be separated from the older version of himself. Still confident, charming, and charismatic, he has not yet been tarnished by the world around him. He was also quite observant as he remarkably saved druggist Mr. Gower from a life in the slammer by stopping him from accidentally poisoning a kid to death.

Little George was born older (as Pa Bailey put it) and at a young age he had big dreams, and ambitions. He wanted to get the hell out of dodge and see the world.

All the girls wanted a piece of little George, as evidence by the fact that at just nine years old both Violet and Mary were already fighting over him. Yet George did not let the attention of the ladies, nor title of being a hero get to his head. He thought Violet was a insane for her asking him to help her down from her seat, and he thought Mary was brainless for not liking coconut, to which I couldn’t agree more. He told it like it is. Good or bad.

Just watch this 4 second video below for a reminder of how amazing young George is.

… And this is 25 seconds of young George Bailey that summarizes me as a bartender.

In addition to being a complete stud, young George was not afraid of anyone. He stood up to Mr. Potter when the mean old man was talking about his Pa. Nobody talks about Pa Bailey and gets away with it if George Bailey is around.

Young George is also loyal, as he promised Mr Gower that he would never tell a soul that Mr Gower put poison in the pills. Despite the fact that Mr Gower smacked him upside the head and made his sore eat bleed.

And finally, and most importantly, young Harry would have died in the river that day had George not been so heroic. Without skipping a beat young stud muffin George Bailey hopped into the water to save his brothers and took on the leadership position in the rescue.

….. and just remember, for all those naysayers out there that may say, “but if George was never born, wouldn’t have Harry’s friends saved him from the river that day when he fell in the ice?” That question, quite simply, can be answered by watching the TWO SECOND clip below. (Focus on the kid running to help and you tell me if you want him saving you from anything.)

May “It’s A Wonderful Life” always remind us that no matter how bleak and awful our lives may seem at the moment, that things could always be worse, and we should be grateful for the loved

ones we have, even if they are terrible at playing the piano or lose $8000 of your money. And even if your house is cold and drafty and your staircase is broken, remember that there are people that don’t have drafty houses and broken staircases.

And even if your brother is cooler than you, you’re about to lose your business, your about to go to jail for a long time, your children’s teacher’s husband punches you in the face in front of all your friends, and you crash your car into the oldest tree in your town…… remember this…. no man is a failure that has friends.

Happy Holidays!

It’s A Wonderful Movie: Ranking the Characters of “It’s A Wonderful Life”

Watching Frank Capra’s It’s A Wonderful Life has been a holiday tradition for millions of households for decades. Despite only a small portion of the film taking place at Christmas time, it is considered by many to be the greatest Christmas movie of all time. Personally, not only is it my favorite Christmas movie of all time, but my favorite movie of all time. Period. Additionally, Jimmy Stewart is my favorite actor, Clarence is my favorite movie angel, and the final scene is my favorite scene in cinematic history.

Due to the fact that I’m usually hyperventilating for the last ten minutes of the film, each time I watch it I learn something new about the characters that make the movie so classic. I am not saying that I was not crying hysterically during my last re-watch, because I was, but I did manage to maintain my focus on the individual characters and determine what it is about them that make them so damn lovable.

The cast of “It’s A Wonderful Life” (Photo credit: classicfilmaficionados)


Ranking the Cast of “It’s A Wonderful Life”

Before I begin the countdown of the characters, I would be remiss if I did not mention some notable omissions. The countdown is based on who I would want to be friends with the most. It is safe to say that I would not accept the Facebook friend requests from the following people.

Ma Bailey

(Ma Bailey if George was never born.)


Now hear me out, while Ma Bailey was super sweet for most of the movie, when I think back on her, the thing that stands out the most is how unbelievably awful she was at the end of the movie when George went to see her when he was still in his “Clarence trance.”

Just to know that Ma Bailey has that cruel side to her, however deep down it may be, makes me think poorly of her, and thus excludes her from the countdown.

Plus, Ma Bailey went and did the most “Ma” thing of all time and called Mary’s house to tell her that George was going to stop by. That is pretty messed up, Ma Bailey.

Mary’s Mom

Mary’s mom being all pissed off at Mary and George.


The absolute worst character in the movie. ZERO redeeming qualities. She would hate me, and I would hate her.

ZuZu’s Teacher

It was nice that she gave ZuZu a flower and all, but George is right, what kind of teacher would let her students walk home in the cold with their coats unbuttoned? That is pretty messed up, Mrs. Welch. Also, your husband needs to take a chill pill. Talk about anger issues.


To the countdown….

15. Sam Wainwright

(Hee Haw Sam)


While Sam Wainwright is far and away the most annoying character in the film, he makes up for his non-stop “Hee-Haw” and cockiness at the end by wiring George Bailey $25,000, which itself more than triples the $8,000 George needed. It does, however, go to show that Sam is such a show-boater that he needs to send that much money. Just so everyone knows how successful he is.

Bottom line: I would accept Sam Wainwright’s Facebook friend request, but I would block his annoying photos of him “Hee-Haw-ing” his friends, and his posts about his vacations and new cars, and only send him a private message should I ever find myself in a pickle.


14. Uncle Billy



Sure Uncle Billy would be a blast to hang out with at the bar, but his uncanny ability to be so forgetful is unbelievably annoying. Uncle Billy is the main reason why everything started to unravel so quickly for George. He got distracted while making an $8,000 deposit and accidentally handed the money to his nemesis, Mr. Potter.

$8,000 back then is probably close to $100,000 today, and anyone that can be THAT irresponsible, is not anyone that I would need to be friends with. I don’t need any extra help with being an irresponsible adult, especially not from 60 year old Uncle Billy.

Bottom line: I would do a few shots with Uncle Billy when I saw him out at a bar, or at family functions, but steer clear of him otherwise. And I certainly would not trust him with running errands for me.

13. Martini



Martini owns what is seemingly the only bar in town, Martini’s, so clearly he is someone that you would want to be in cahoots with. Right before George decided to attempt suicide, old man Martini even goes as far as to say that George is his best friend, and kicks Mr. Welch, (ZuZu’s teacher’s husband) out for hitting George. No questions asked.

Friends don’t care why someone punches you in the face. Even if you yell at their wives and threaten them over the phone, you’re still in the right. Martini is a good friend through and through.

Bottom line: Not only would I be Facebook friends with Martini, but I would be one of his most loyal customers and without question be invited to his customer appreciation Christmas party at Martinis.


12. Annie

(photo credit: 1stslice.com)


Annie, the long time maid of the Bailey family, is funny, sarcastic, and completely lovable. And her reason why she has money to spare and help out George is by far the best. “I’ve been savin’ this money for a divorce, if I ever got a husband” exclaims Annie as she throws down some cash onto the table. Classic, Annie.

Annie, however, does not understand why people drink as she told Pa Bailey and George, “Boys and girls and music. Why do they need gin?” Major strike. Mind your business, Annie.

Bottom line: Not only would I enjoy being Facebook friends with Annie for her humorous posts, but I think she would be a great follow on Twitter. I bet she could live tweet the shit out of The Bachelor.


11. Violet

Violet has been boy-hungry her entire life. Little Mary calls out little Violet for “liking every boy,” to which Violet responds, “what’s wrong with that?” Fast forward about 15 years, and Violet is still prancing the streets looking for her next piece of meat.

While Violet would be a ton of fun to hang out with, she seems to be a bit of a user and would not bring much in the way of a friendship. Sure, she comes to the Bailey house at the end and gives George his money back, but let’s be real here: she very likely just came back to try and scoop up Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, Harry.

Bottom line: I would definitely follow Violet on Instagram, if for no other reason than to judge her, and feel better about myself for having my shit more together than she does.

10. Harry

Let’s face it, Harry Bailey is pretty damn near perfect. He got college educated, met a beautiful girl while there and married her. He got offered a solid job as a researcher, and then went on to save the lives of hundreds of soldiers and won the Congressional Medal of Honor. Plus, he can give one hell of a speech that could make even Old Man Potter tear up. All that and he has the looks of a movie star.

With all that being said, who the hell wants to be friends with someone so perfect? Anyone that is friends with him must have to constantly remind him how much better they are at sledding and swimming in ice water than he is, just to make themselves feel superior in at least two things.

Bottom line: We would be Facebook friends, but I would be overcome with jealousy over how perfect his life is every time he posted anything. Therefore, I would end up resenting him.

9. Mr. Gower

(photo credit: aveleyman.com)

Mr. Gower was awfully mean to young George Bailey one day. But, once you learn Mr. Gower was in such a bad mood because his son just died of influenza, you cut the guy some slack.

To show his gratitude to George for all his years of service, Mr. Gower buys George the biggest suitcase in town for the adventures that he never ends up taking. Mr. Gower may be grouchy sometimes, but he is quite funny when he is pissed (with the exception of the whole child abuse thing, of course.)

The following is footage of Mr Bower being pissed at young George. But it could also double as footage of me yelling at a student if they come into my classroom on a Monday morning whistling a happy tune.

Bottom line: I doubt Mr. Gower would participate in any sort of social media, but he could get me some good pain killers when I needed them, and therefore, I would visit his shop for an ice cream and small talk everyday like clockwork.



For Part 2 Click Here.

9 Things an American Learned From Watching Netflix’s “The Crown”

The Crown

I deem myself to be a pretty intelligent guy. I have multiple certifications in the field of Education, have a Master’s Degree in New Media Journalism, passed the first step in the program to becoming a Master Sommelier with the Court of Sommeliers, and have an exorbitant amount of useless knowledge that I have acquire from countless hours spent at Mega Touch trivia machines throughout the country. Additionally, I am considerably well-traveled, and have even visit London, itself, twice.

However, nothing has taught me more about the history of the Royal family, and the United Kingdom in general, than the first season of The Crown, the Netflix original series that was released last month.

While some people may not consider the following facts of the upmost importance when quantifying how much one knows about the monarchy, I, for one, am ashamed that I have been so naive for so many years. My most sincere apologies to all of my past history teachers, my parents, and any British friends I have met along the way. I only hope I can keep up with all the ins and outs of the Royal family, from here on out.

9 Things The Crown Taught Me, Ranked In Order From Least To Most Important.


9. Smoking and Drinking Was the Norm At All Times

Sure, I have always known that as the years go on, society judges smokers and day drinkers more and more. In America in 2016 you can’t smoke in restaurants or bars, you can’t smoke in public buildings, you can’t drink and drive, you can’t drink at work, blah, blah, blah.

But people were so chill about smoking and drinking back in the day in England. Hell, King George VI even lit up a cigarette in front of his doctor after he told him he was dying of lung cancer, and the doctor didn’t say a peep. The Queen’s grandmother, the queen queen queen, or whatever the hell you call her; she was lighting up right in her death bed, and nobody was freaking out about it.

Winston Churchill drank and smoke cigars all damn day. Nobody cared. Prince Philip and his buddies drove all over the place drinking and driving recklessly. Did he ever get yelled at by his mother? Nope.


(Winston Churchill, not giving a damn. Photo: Lordsofthedrinks.com)


Granted, drinking and driving is very dangerous, and not cool. And smoking cigarettes when you are already ill is quite silly, but there is something about not being so uptight that makes the 1950’s in London seem pretty desirable if you ask me.


8. The Queen Was Kind Of Hot Back In The Day

Now this one isn’t really my fault for not knowing. I am only in my thirties and since I have been alive the Queen has always seemed like she has been 110 years old to me. And Google Images wasn’t around when I was growing up, so it wasn’t until I saw the beautiful Claire Foy portray young Queen Elizabeth II that I ever even thought to check out what The Queen looked like in her more youthful years. I’ll save you the work, here is what I found…


(The beautiful Queen in her younger years, photo credit: bbc.com)

(The beautiful Queen in her younger years, photo credit: bbc.com)


Oops, sorry, I meant to attach this pic……


(Photo Credit: Literary Hoarders)

(Photo Credit: Literary Hoarders)


I mean sure, she is no Kate Middleton or Princess Diana, but she is a hell of a lot better than the first Queen Elizabeth….


(photo credit: nanquick.com)

(photo credit: nanquick.com)


7. Winston Churchill Was Basically Old Man Potter From “It’s A Wonderful Life”

Seriously, are they the same person?

(Winston Churchill: as himself. Photo credit: telegraph.co.uk)

(Winston Churchill: as himself. Photo credit: telegraph.co.uk)


(Winston Churchill as Mr. Potter)

(Winston Churchill as Mr. Potter)



6. London Had The Smoggiest Day Of All Time

Did you know that there was a smog in London in 1952 that was so bad that it killed thousands of people, including, but not limited to, Winston Churchill’s favorite hot secretary that used to read his newspapers while he took a bath? Because I sure as hell didn’t.

* It has come to my attention, thanks to Radio Times that Churchill’s hot secretary was fictional. Apparently nobody would have cared that thousands of ugly people were hacking up their lungs and choking to death, so they had to make sure the audience got hit hard (pun intended) by having (SPOILER ALERT) a sweet, hot secretary get hit by a bus due to the historical inclement conditions.


5. The Queen and Prince Philip Pretty Much Hate Each Other/ Prince Philip Is Still Alive?!?!?

Of course, just about all married people hate each other, but it seems as though The Queen and Prince Philip got off to a pretty rocky start, and were no Romeo and Juliet.

In the series, they spend most of the first season (about 8 years of their lives) arguing with each other, and spend very little time together.

Additionally, I was shocked to find out that Prince Philip was still alive, and they are STILL MARRIED. I can’t imagine how much more they are going to hate each other as the seasons go by, but I have to admit I am quite impressed that they have stuck it out for pretty much their entire lives.

(The happy couple back in the day.)

(The happy couple back in the day.)


(The happy couple today. isn't love grand?)

(The happy couple today. Isn’t love grand?)



4. The Queen and Prince Philip Have the Best Bedroom Arrangement Of All Time

Not only do they have their own King and Queen sized beds, but they also have people that help them get undressed as soon as they enter their room. They literally have hired help that assist them in taking off their day clothes and help them slip into their evening attire. Sure there are a lot of perks associated with being king and queen, but this has got to rank among the best.


(The Prince being helped into his bathrobe.)


(The Queen being assisted with her jewerly before getting into her bedtime gown.)

(The Queen being assisted with her jewelry before getting into her bedtime gown.)



3. Phone Calls To The Queen Are A Gigantic Pain In The Ass


2. I Want To Be Best Friends With Prince Philip

Prince Philip was one heck of a fun guy (at least when he wasn’t around The Queen.) He would often frequent what they called a “Gentleman’s Lunch Club” where a bunch of guys gathered and drank and ate during the daytime.

Upon further research, Prince Philip attended a Thursday Club, where they would have “rip-roaring stag parties,” according to the Prince Philip biography. It has even been said that Prince Philip was once nicknamed “The Naked Waiter,” because he would waiter for English osteopath, Steven Ward‘s guests wearing nothing but a small laced apron and leather mask.

If everyone can please imagine Prince Philip wearing nothing but a laced apron, it would be greatly appreciated. Here is some help…

small-laced-apron prince-philip


1. I REALLY Want To Be Best Friends With The Late Princess Margaret

Like most younger siblings, Princess Margaret really got blessed with the personality of the family, while the Queen got stuck with the personality of a dying house plant. The Crown does an amazing job portraying the vast difference in the sisters’ personalities; specifically highlighting the way the public appreciated and welcomed Princess Margaret’s outgoing, dynamic personality.

But, don’t take my word for it. Here are some of Princess Margaret’s best moments, and why, if I was royalty, I would be Princess Margaret.


(Photo Credit: Daily Mail)





(Getty Images)






Thanks for the education, Netflix, by the end of the series, five years from now, I plan to be a historian of all things England, Queen Elizabeth, and The Crown, and I couldn’t have done it without you.