Noah’s Top 5 Accomplishments (Genesis 5-9)

Noah is by far one of the most popular figures in the Bible, and deservingly so. Without Noah, the Great Flood would have killed every living thing, and God would have had to make another Adam and Eve from scratch, and at that point God was so mad at people that he may have just scratched the whole idea of humans altogether. He also would have to make all of the animals again, and that seems like an awful lot of work. Noah’s loyalty to God is quite admirable, especially since God asked Noah to do so much work. But, Noah’s accomplishments go far beyond the story of the Ark. The following are the 5 greatest accomplishments that Noah achieved during Genesis 5-9 (ranked in order of least impressive to most impressive.)

5. Noah Dies at the age of 950

(photo made by R. Jacobson)

(photo made by R. Jacobson)

WAY back in the day, people use to live to be like 900 years old. I don’t know why, but it wasn’t like some freak thing, like everyone did. Also, from what I gather, people didn’t typically have kids until they were like in their 300’s. I am pretty sure I was born in the wrong era, because I totally would have a kid when I am 350 years old. Why the hell not?

Anyway, Noah was no exception. He was around 500 when he had his 3 sons, around 600 when the floods came, and around 950 when he died. But what makes Noah so special is that he is known as the last guy that lived to be nearly a thousand years old. After Noah died, the life spans drops significantly, and people only live to be around 120 years old. This is mainly because God got real pissed that men started lusting over women and the general behavior of human being, what with all the fighting and all. So he decided to put a cap on how long they were going to live. I guess everyone was real bad back in Noah’s time, and God was so mad at everyone that he decided to clean them all out and start again with nice guy Noah and his family.

4. Noah Found A Lot of Animals.

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Not only did Noah find a male and female of every animal, but he had the skills needed to lead them onto an ark. That is crazy. I lost a cat one time, and I couldn’t find it in my own backyard. This guy finds a male and female of every animal and successfully convinces them to line up in an orderly fashion (this is what I am imagining anyway. There is no proof of it being orderly in the Bible) and keep them all from killing each other while they are on the Great Flood cruise for over a year. Impressive indeed, Noah.

3. Noah Lived on the Ark for Over a Year.

Noah, chilling on his balcony and sending out a dove to see if there is dry land yet. (photo credit:

Noah, chilling on his balcony and sending out a dove to see if there is dry land yet. (photo credit:


If you have ever been on a cruise, you may know that spending over a week on the water is just long enough, any longer and you would not only become homesick for dry land, but you would also probably throw your loved ones overboard seeing as you are physically unable to get away from them for more than a few minutes time. In addition to this, your resources are limited, and it is only a matter of time before you run out of supplies. It rained for 4o days and 40 nights, and then it took a long time for Noah and his posse to be able to return to dry land. God made sure that Noah took enough food for himself, his family, and all the animals for their entire time on the ark. And here I am, too lazy to cook dinner.
Not only was Noah floating around with thousands of animals, but he was forced to take his wife, 3 boys, and 3 daughters-in-law with him. Imagine being on an ark with only your family for over a year, and tell me that Noah doesn’t deserve all the recognition that he has attained over the years, simply for not jumping overboard.

2. Noah Builds the Ark

I stumbled upon what I believe is an actual picture of Noah building his ark. Noah is believed to be in the center wearing a white button down and Levi Jeans. (photo credit:

I stumbled upon what I believe is an actual picture of Noah building his ark. Noah is believed to be in the center wearing a white button down and Levi Jeans. OMG is that God at the bottom left? (photo credit:


It is said to have taken Noah around 15o years to build the ark. God gave Noah very specific instructions as to how to build the ark, and Noah paid very careful attention to detail. If Noah decided to cut some corners, the ark would not have been able to survive the torrential storm, and all the animals and his entire family would have drowned with the rest of humanity. It takes a very special person to be able to spend 150 years building something that will be responsible for saving humanity. One time it took me like 4 hours to build a dresser that I bought at Ikea, and although I thought about giving up many times, I was beaming with pride when my work was complete. Luckily Noah had the patience and wearwithal to perform such an important task.

1. Noah Plants a Vineyard, Makes Wine and is Potentially the First Person to Ever Get Drunk

Noah waking up from his drunken wine induced sleep. Been there buddy. And look at his sons judging him. Leave the guy alone. He is like 800 and saved the world. He can get his drink on if he wants to. (photo credit:

Noah waking up from his drunken wine induced sleep. Been there buddy. And look at his sons judging him. Leave the guy alone. He is like 800 and saved the world. He can get his drink on if he wants to. (photo credit:


After Noah successfully saved the world and the human race, he could have relaxed and lived out the remainder of his 350 years chilling in his tent and watching his sons create what will become the population of all the nations of the world.

But, Noah was an overachiever, and didn’t stop at simply repopulating the universe. He decided to plant, what is known as the first documented vineyard in history. Years after the flood, Noah took to working on a farm. It was during this time that he planted the first vineyard and produced what we now know as wine. (If you read my last Bible related countdown, I know what you’re thinking… and the answer is yes….. Noah is now by far my favorite biblical figure of all time.)

So, one night, Noah drinks way too much wine and passes out in his tent….. NAKED. (If I wasn’t so frightened of so many animals, I would begin to think that I may be Noah reincarnated, but alas, I am terrified of birds, spiders, snakes, reptiles, fish, and many dogs, so I am definitely not Noah. Although I do take after his love of the fermented grape, and the side effects that come with drinking too much of it.)

Now here is the part of Noah’s story that gets a little bizarre. The night that Noah passed out drunk on wine and naked in his tent, one of his sons, Ham, walked in and found him. Ham left the tent and told his two brothers of their dad’s situation. They then went in with a robe, backwards, so they didn’t see their drunk naked dad, and covered him.

When Noah woke up all hungover, he got real pissed at Ham for some unknown reason. Maybe because he didn’t cover him? Nobody really knows, as the Bible does not go into detail about why Noah got so mad. But he was so angry that he put a curse o

n Ham’s son, Ca’Naan, and made him become a servant for his two uncles. He then said how much he loves his two other kids (the ones that covered him,) and hope that they multiply and have amazing lives. It is really uncool of Noah to punish poor Ca’Naan for his dad’s actions, but after planting the first vineyard of all time, Noah can do no wrong in my eyes.

A few hundred years later, Noah died at the ripe age of 950. Now, if everyone can celebrate the life of this great man, and get drunk on wine tonight and pass out naked in their living rooms, it would be very much appreciated.

#RIPNOAH   #ThanksForInventingWine

Ranking the Coolest Bible Characters (Genesis 1-4)

This year I have decided to read the Bible every night as part of my Lenten promise. As you probably know, the Bible is extraordinarily difficult to understand, as it was written about 30 million years ago (or something like that) and they spoke very differently back in the day. So I have decided to make it my Christian duty to summarize my nightly readings and create easy-to-read countdowns highlighting what I deem to be the most important/interesting parts of the scripture.

First of all, I get it. You have a lot of responsibilities when you are trying to start a world, and there is little time for having fun and being funny. But, some people were just much cooler than others, plain and simple. And this leads me to my first Bible related countdown: Ranking the 6 main characters in the first 4 chapters of Genesis based on how cool they are.

6. Eve

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(photo credit:

Not only did Eve eat the ONLY THING that God asked her not to eat, but she also made her husband eat it too. And all because the Serpent told her it was ok? Why the hell would she listen to the Serpent, first of all? Second of all, she tried to blame the Serpent when God caught her and was pissed at her, which is ridiculous. I understand that God was probably very intimidating, but have some dignity and take the punishment like a woman rather than trying to pin the blame on the Serpent.

For fear of sounding sexist due to the fact that I ranked the only woman on the countdown last, I took the poll to the streets. I interviewed Ms. Rebecca Gallucci*, catholic school college graduate, and self-proclaimed “sporadic Bible reader”, and asked her for her opinion on Eve.

“She ruined it for all of us” says Gallucci, referring to Eve’s moment of weakness. Gallucci later went on to say…

“Had Eve not eaten that apple, we all could be having a blast in the Garden of Eden right now, instead of here at work.”

Gallucci, brings up a valid point. What if Eve hadn’t eaten of the forbidden fruit? Would we all be living blissfully frolicking in paradise, or would some other weak-minded person stroll along. INTERESTING FACT: There has not been a mother that has not been a buzzkill since Eve. She really started an awfully annoying trend that has lasted for a gazillion years.

5. Cain

Here is a photo of Cain murdering his bro. I believe this is right around the time that the polaroid camera was invented. While the actual photographer in unknown, the image came from

(Here is a photo of Cain murdering his bro. I believe this is right around the time that the polaroid camera was invented. While the actual photographer in unknown, the image came from

Cain is known as the first murderer of all time, but is still ranked a notch higher than his buzzkill mother. Cain sucks not only because he killed his bro, but he also because he couldn’t do anything right. When God was hungry, Cain brought him fruit. Come on, Cain. When GOD is hungry he needs something a little more substantial than a few pieces of fruit.

Eventually God made Cain leave the Garden of Eden and just walk around in the desert. He also put a curse on Cain that nobody could ever kill him, and if they did, God would kill that person and seven of their family members. God hated Cain so much that he didn’t want to give him the pleasure of dying. And if God hates you that much, you really must be a complete jerk. I wonder if Cain is still walking around in the desert somewhere? Hopefully I find out what happened to him in the next few chapters. The suspense is killing me.

4. God

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(OMG! photo credit:

God was a complete superstar the first 2 chapters of Genesis. He made the Earth, and Heaven, and the Sea, and every animal of all time, and the sun and moon and stars, and a bunch of other stuff. Then he rested for a day, which is totally awesome. There is nothing I love more than a good day of resting.
Then a fully rested God mustered up the strength to make Adam out of dirt and dust, which is incredibly impressive. I can’t even make a stick figure out of Play Doh, but I digress.
My confusion about God comes in chapter 3 and involves the forbidden fruit. If God didn’t want them to eat it so bad, why put it there? Why not put the tree somewhere else? And why make it so tempting? I feel as though there was a bit of foul play on God’s part. He basically set Eve and Adam up for failure, which is not cool.
This doesn’t negate the fact that God gave them everything else, which was so nice of him, but it is kind of equivalent to parents taking their children on a vacation to Orlando and saying to them “we can go wherever we want in Orlando, but we can not go to Disney World. And the kids have a great time at Universal Studios, and visiting Hard Rock Cafes for dinner, and playing mini-golf at one of the many miniature golf courses in Orlando. But, the parents always drive them past the Magic Kingdom, and Epcot, and Hollywood Studios, and the Animal Kingdom and let their children have a good look at how amazing it is and how much fun all the children are having. But the parents keep telling them, whatever you do, don’t EVER go to Disney World, but feel free to visit the Orlando Museum of Art, or the Orlando Fairgrounds Flea Market. And then, one day, after years of being told they can not go to Disney World, they see a mouse, and the mouse ACTUALLY TALKS TO THEM and it says to the children that their parents told him that it was OK for them to go to Disney World today, so the mouse will pick them up in an hour. So, the kids go to Disney World. And then their parents find out they went to Disney World, and they get pissed and then they say they can never go on any vacations ever again. Then the kids are like, “thanks a lot mouse, you got us in trouble, and now we can never do anything fun ever again.”

Is that the children’s fault? Or is it the parents fault? And that is why God is ranked at number 4. I am sure he will make a few more appearances in the story and will improve on the rankings, but for now, I am still a little bit bitter that he kept the forbidden tree so close to Adam and Eve.


3. The Serpent

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(photo credit:

If God was mad at Eve and Adam, he was really, really mad at the Serpent. I actually feel a bit bad for the Serpent. I am a huge fan of playing pranks and joking around with people. The Serpent probably thought that there was absolutely NO WAY that Eve would be stupid enough to believe him that it was alright to eat the apple. Because really, why would she believe the Serpent over the word of God?
So, the Serpent decided to play a little joke on Eve and tell her that God said it was okay to eat the apple. He was probably in shock that she actually ate the apple, and ruined eternity for every single human being of all time.

If I was having a great time at a bar with my friends, but one of my friends had to leave to go to work, I would probably go to the bathroom and call my friend that had to leave from my cell phone. I would use a fake, funny, voice with a ridiculous accent and pretend that I was his or her boss and tell them that they didn’t have to come in to work today, and that they can stay at the bar and continue to have fun with their friends. Now, if my stupid friend didn’t see my number come up on caller ID, and if he was dumb enough to not be able to tell that it was drunk me on the other end of the phone, I would not feel that bad if he didn’t go to work, and ended up getting fired. A joke is a joke, and I feel as though the Serpent was just trying to have a little bit of fun with Eve. (Yes, I am saying that if I was born 925 million years ago, I would probably have been the funny Serpent that made that idiot Eve ruin the world.)

2. Abel

(photo credit:

(Able, being murdered. photo credit:

SPOILER ALERT AHEAD:…………….. Abel dies.

I feel so bad for Abel. As a younger brother myself, I can totally relate to what it was probably like to have a brother like Cain. The above picture could easily be a still frame of my brother and I at any point from 1985-1997 and I was always the only lying down, just like Abel. My older brother was above me, squeezing my arm so hard, and inflicting pain to my sensitive wrists. Luckily my brother loves me way more than Cain loved Abel, and he never murdered me, only beat me up occasionally. Love you, brother, and thanks for never murdering me. XOXOXO
Abel also gave God Lamb when God was hungry, unlike his useless brother that just gave God some dirty fruit.

I am always shocked at how soon Abel gets killed off, and wish we got to see more of him. I am, however, confident that Abel is up there in Heaven and smiling down on younger brothers everywhere. Thanks Abe

1. Adam

( photo credit:

(Adam, eating the non-forbidden fruit before Eve shows up and ruins his life. photo credit:

I am aware of the fact that Adam ate the apple too, but it was not until Eve asked him to, and had already eaten the apple herself. He probably figured, “well, we are totally screwed anyway, so I might as well have a few bites.”
I feel bad for Adam. He was killing it before his wife arrived. He got to name every living creature, which is awesome. Although, if that were my job, I would have tried to come up with much funnier names so that everyone always had to say that name when they were talking about that animal for the rest of time. Like instead of cow, I would have named it zingschwak or something. I loved what he did with Emus. It is such a fun word to say, and I wish that he used more words like that. He also nailed platypus. How can the same guy that came up with emu, platypus, and porcupine, also come up with ant, dog, and bird. He must have run out of funny names, I suppose.
Anyway, Adam was put into a deep sleep by God, so God could take out one of his ribs to create his awful wife, Eve. This must have been the best, deepest sleep ever. I am imagining it must have been like one of my sleeps when I take a full cup of Nyquil and then a little extra sip out of the bottle, but I will never know for sure.
We all owe a great deal to Adam for being our greatest great grandfather of all time, and for putting up with Eve for so many years.

Funniest line:

“And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth.”

Can we please make it a thing to start saying “they knew each other” instead of saying “they did it.”

There is nothing I want to say more than “I know who you knew last summer.”

NEXT UP: Genesis 5-8 (We are going to meet Noah, and it is going to rain for like 300,000 years.)

* A special shout-out to contributor Rebecca Gallucci. To hear more about her hatred of Eve, or to hear what she has to say about being healthy visit her blog at

If you would like to be interviewed for a Bible related countdown, or would like to share your favorite Genesis 1-4 star, contact me at or leave a comment below.

SEE ALSO: Top 5 Reason Why Noah is Such a Stud

Connecticut Wine Trail

Connecticut Wine Trail Unveils State’s Best Kept Secret


Nestled in between two of America’s most influential and frequently visited cities, Boston and New York City, rests Connecticut, the country’s third smallest state. But other than Yale University, and being the home of the “Jerry Springer Show,” two polar opposite claims to fame, Connecticut is primarily known for being a three hour, traffic-nightmare, linking two of America’s most beloved cities. Recently, however, Connecticut has been making tremendous strides to stand out in one category in particular; the world of wine. Just about every “Best Things to do in Connecticut” list published today, has the “Connecticut Wine Trail” as a must-see, Connecticut highlight.


The idea for the Connecticut Wine Trail came from Sherman P. Haight, of Haight Vineyard, in Litchfield, Connecticut, in 1988. It wasn’t until 1992, however, that the state dedicated the trail, and five wineries became official members. As the years went on, more wineries and vineyards have joined the “trail of happiness”, and now the Connecticut Wine Trail is home to 25 unique wineries/vineyards.


So, why is the Connecticut Wine Trail so valuable to the state?


According to the University of Minnesota’s Status and Economic Contribution Report on Vineyards and Wineries in the New England States, in 2011 the economic contribution of the grape growing and winery industries in New England was 70.1 million dollars, including 3,260 jobs. According to the same report, 76% of responding vineyards and wineries were founded between the years of 2002-2012, indicating a substantial rise in the industry. Additionally, a whopping 91% of the wineries indicated that they plan on expanding within the next five years. In fact, Connecticut is becoming one of the fastest growing wine regions in the United States, and even in its earliest years was being compared to well established vineyards in California. 


The 25 participating vineyards have also joined with a few other farm wineries in the region to form the “Connecticut Farm Wineries Passport Program.” Visitors to the wineries can obtain their passport at the beginning of May from any of the participating locations. As they visit each of the wineries, they get their passport stamped. At the end of the season, prizes will be awarded to those who have filled up at least 16 of the 33 possible stamps. Prizes include two two-week trips to Spain, a Cape Cod getaway, and gift certificates to all of the participating wineries. Last year, Jennifer Crews, and her fiance, Eddie, were one of the lucky winners, whose prize was an overnight stay at a local hotel. “We enjoyed the overnight experience, and I would be thrilled to win again this year” says Crews. “But Eddie has his sights set on that trip to Spain, so we are working hard to fill up the passport again.”

But, with New England weather being so temperamental, and wineries in the region having limited hours and dates of operation, not many wine lovers will be able to visit all 25 wineries in a season.

After 4 months of visiting beautiful wineries, and tasting all the delicious wines they have to offer, the following is an extensive list of the key players on the Connecticut Wine Trail, and why any wine lover needs to make them a high priority when visiting the wine trail. It was a terrible job, but somebody had to do it.


Upon visiting each of the vineyards, visitors were approached to share their opinions of the vineyards wines, atmosphere, and overall experience. Much like the Connecticut Passport themselves, they were asked to rank the vineyard on a 1-10 scale in each of the categories. If the visitor did not have a passport, they were given a small piece of paper that asked for the same information. 



13 day and weekend trips, hundreds of glasses of wine, and countless new wino friends later, the people of the CT Wine Trail have spoken.


The five vineyards with the “Best Wine” on the Connecticut Wine Trail are as follows:

5. Jonathan Edwards Winery, North Stonington, CT

The wines at Jonathan Edwards Winery, in North Stonington, CT, are unique in the fact that the winery has a “Bi-Coastal” relationship with Napa Valley. Each year grapes are brought from Napa Valley, and made into delicious Jonathan Edwards Wine.

“Here at Jonathan Edwards, we have the opportunity to make wine from both the West and East coast, which helps to distinguish our wines from many of the other wines on the trail” says Daniele Brandt, tasting room operator at the winery.

“All of our wines are popular, says Brandt, but in the summer months, our Sauvignon Blanc is probably our biggest seller. It is light, crisp, refreshing, and cools you off of hot New England summer days.

Jonathan Edwards' Sauvignon Blanc, one of their most popular wines, and a favorite among Jonathan Edwards poll takers.

Jonathan Edwards’ Sauvignon Blanc, one of their most popular wines, and a favorite among Jonathan Edwards poll takers. (photo credit: R. Jacobson)


4. Sharpe Hill Vineyard, Pomfret, CT

Receiving over 350 awards for their delicious wines, Sharpe Hill Vineyard has over 14 unique wines to choose from. Their ‘Ballet of Angels’, which is a fruity, semi-dry, refreshing white wine, was the biggest hit among poll takers. In addition to their extensive wine list, Sharpe Hill is also a fine dining establishment, and was included in Connecticut Magazine’s “50 Dishes to Try Before You Die” countdown.


3. Sunset Meadows Vineyards, Goshen, CT

Sunset Meadows Vineyards strives to make their wines enjoyable and memorable for both the wine connoisseur, as well as those with a more casual appreciation for wine. With many awards under their belt, and plenty of wines to choose from, Sunset Meadows Vineyards scored an impressive 9.6 on the combined surveys. Also a sign that their wines were fantastic, was the amount of empty bottles the group of ladies sitting next to me had on, and under, their table.

According to the poll takers, the Cayuga White, a crisp, clear, fruity wine, was by far the favorite wine from the vineyard.

2. Preston Ridge Vineyard, Preston, CT

Not only does Preston Ridge offer a unique array of delicious, well-balanced wines, but their tasting room was full of visitors asking for more. The Fieldstone White was mentioned by just about every visitor as being their favorite wine, and nearly every group had a bottle (or two) on their table. Whether you want a crisp white, a refreshing rose’, or a full bodied red, you will be able to find what you are looking for, and much more, at Preston Ridge.

The most popular wine at Preston Ridge Vineyard, the Fieldstone White.

The most popular wine at Preston Ridge Vineyard, the Fieldstone White. (photo credit: R. Jacobson)


1. Chamard Vineyards, Clinton, CT

Voters chose Chamard Vineyards as having the best wine on the Connecticut Wine Trail. Established in 1983, Chamard has the art of winemaking down to a science, and continues to make strides in the world of wine. Now open year round, Chamard Vineyards is the number one stop if you want to taste the best wines that Connecticut has to offer. Their five estate wines, particularly their Cabernet Sauvignon, are a perfect example of the potential that Connecticut has to become one of the leaders of wine making in the United States. If you are going to join any Connecticut wine club, make it Chamard.

Chamard's Classic Heritage 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon, the creme de la creme at Chamard Vineyards in Clinton, CT.

Chamard’s Classic Heritage 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon, the creme de la creme at Chamard Vineyards in Clinton, CT. (photo credit: R. Jacobson)


The five vineyards that earned the voters choice as having the “Best Atmosphere” on the Connecticut Wine Trail are as follows.

5. Jones Winery, Shelton, CT

As their website claims, Jones Winery is a “true treasure for all Connecticut residents and visitors to cherish and enjoy” and voters agreed. Of the 12 people that took part in the poll, eight of them gave Jones Winery a “10” when it came to their scenic environment.

If you are a fan of the Fall, Jones Winery should be your number one CT Wine Trail destination. (photo credit: R. Jacobson)

If Fall is your favorite season, Jones Winery should be your number one CT Wine Trail destination. Have some delicious wine, and pick up your pumpkins all at the same time. (photo credit: R. Jacobson)


4. Gouveia Vineyards, Wallingford, CT

“The view from outside the tasting room at Gouveia Vineyards” is breathtaking”, says John Andrews, Gouveia Vineyards visitor, and wine aficionado. “I have been to every vineyard on the trail, and hundreds of other vineyards around the country, and world, and you would be hard pressed to find many other vineyards with such a beautiful view as Gouveia” says Andrews.

Gouveia Vineyards in Wallingford, CT (photo credit: R. Jacobson)

Gouveia Vineyards in Wallingford, CT (photo credit: R. Jacobson)


3. Miranda Vineyard , Goshen, CT

Their motto is “arrive as a visitor, return as a guest.” Voters in the poll agreed that they felt like a welcome guest, as Miranda Vineyards received the third best rating out of all 25 vineyards on the trail. Their outdoor deck overlooking the vineyards makes for a relaxing environment, and nearly every visitor spoke highly of their warm hospitality and pleasant staff.


2. Haight-Brown Vineyards, Litchfield, CT

The goal of Height-Brown Vineyards is to “erase the intimidation factor of wine, and make it a drink that everyone can enjoy.” To help them in this feat, they have wine classes, rather than just tastings. Also, their staff is extremely helpful, educated, and friendly, making Haight-Brown almost feel like” a gathering with friends rather than strangers” according to one poll taker.


1. Saltwater Farm Vineyards, Stonington, CT

One of the newest vineyards on the trail, is also the most stunning of all the vineyards and wineries in Connecticut according to the poll. Beth Abbiati, tasting room manager at the vineyard, says

“We often have people come from hours away just to visit our winery, because they have heard such amazing things about our scenery. We also have been voted one of the “50 Most Romantic Wedding Venues” in the entire U.S. according to Brides Magazine.

The venue, which served as an old World War II era private airport, still looks like an old airport hangar from the outside. And outside, the acres of perfectly attended land makes for an unforgettable visit to the most scenic vineyard in the state.


Overall Experience

It should be noted, that of the 25 vineyards, only 2 received an overall score of less than 6.5, and seventeen vineyards/wineries had an overall score of 7.5 or better.


Court of Masters Sommeliers level 2 candidate, Erin Burke, who has been visiting the wine trail for years, offers her opinion of the trail, and lends some expert advice for getting the most out of your time on the trail.

No matter whether you are a sommelier in training, like Burke, or someone that is new to wine drinking and visiting vineyards, the Connecticut Wine Trail offers a unique blend of fine wines that should be savored, and drinkable wines that will have you out of your seat and getting in line for another glass (or bottle.) As summertime in New England draws to a conclusion, and Fall approaches, the Connecticut Wine Trail should be something that all New Englanders are aware of, as it brings family and friends closer together while enjoying some of the best wines that New England has to offer.


To stay connected to the Connecticut Wine Trail and to participate in the survey, or offer your thoughts on whether or not you agree with the wine drinkers that took part in the survey, follow this Pinterest page. Here you can add your own photos and share your experiences with each of the vineyards on the Connecticut Wine Trail that you visit.